Monthly Archive for December, 2009

Dresses should be arriving soon…

I just contacted House of Brides and my dresses should be arriving in January! I can hardly wait!!!


I’m sure everyone can’t wait to see this gold goodness!!! SEXY! Ha!

Arizona food!

We’re having casual Greek in Arizona!!! I love falafel and humus!!! And don’t worry all you meat-eaters…. we’ll also be having kabobs of all kinds! Delicious!

Arizona Photographer Chosen!!!

Today Joe & I meet with a great couple that we will be having photograph our wedding in Arizona. Denise and Ryan Gotcher of Simply Knot Photography were super nice and talented. They really understood what we were going for and seemed like a great fit. We couldn’t be more excited to work with them!!! Check out their website and their blog for a taste of what they do. Their blog contains the most up-to-date stuff they have done.

This is their main site:

And this is their blog:

Arizona Marriage License….

I’ve been researching the rules and regulations for obtaining a marriage license in Arizona and wow, way easier than Illinois. Illinois has a crap load of crazy stuff you have to make sure is all taken care of. Arizona is literally a valid ID, $72, both people present, and no waiting period. You get the certificate the same day you apply and it’s good for 1 year!!! Awesome!!!

Just received tie & ink swatches….

I received the tie color & ink swatches I ordered from Cyberoptix Tie Lab today!!! They were able to give me a vast selection of possible tie colors/ink combinations…..They have some bad-ass ties and everything is totally customizable! Oh, the choices!!!! I can’t wait to order for the Chicago wedding!!!!